We’re so excited to journey with your family as we explore the beauty of the Catholic faith together! Our Order of Christian Initiation for Children (OCIA) is designed to help kids and their parents grow in faith, deepen their understanding of God, and prepare for the sacraments in a welcoming, joyful community.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • When: Sessions begin Sunday, January 26th. Session will run from 10:30-11:45 am most Sundays. Please see our session schedule for a full list of offerings, topics and special events.
  • Where: The Marian Room At St. John Parish Center
  • What to Do: Families are asked to attend 9 AM Mass together before the session begins. During formation, we ask that at least one parent stays with their child to share in the experience and support their faith journey.

Sacrament Celebrations:

  • Your family will celebrate receiving the sacraments during the Easter Vigil on April 19th at approximately 8 PM.
  • There will be a rehearsal earlier in the day to ensure everything runs smoothly.
  • Families must select at least one Godparent (two are permitted: one male and one female). Godparents must be:
    • At least 16 years old.
    • A baptized, confirmed, and practicing Catholic.
    • Not the biological parent of the child.
  • If desired, families may also choose a single Confirmation sponsor in addition to the Godparents.

Beyond Easter:
Our formation sessions will continue after Easter Sunday and conclude on May 4th. During this time, we’ll focus on mystagogy, a period of reflection on the profound experience of receiving the sacraments and living as part of the Church community.

Each week, we’ll dive into the core teachings of our faith in fun and meaningful ways that are perfect for kids. We look forward to growing in faith with your family!

For more information, please reach out to our Faith Formation Team at faithformation@sjwest.org.