Welcome To St. John Church

Our Mission
Established in 1853, the Catholic Parish of St. John in Westminster exists to proclaim the loving presence of God to all in the community. We do this by:
- Celebrating the Holy Mass with such joy that all members are motivated to share Jesus with others
- Emphasizing the importance of family life
- Encouraging and providing learning opportunities for renewal in the Catholic faith
- Enabling each individual to use his/her gifts and talents in service to all
- Recognizing that we need the help of the Holy Spirit in achieving the unity we seek as we acknowledge diversity

Weekend Masses
4:30pm (Confessions available starting at 3pm)
1pm (Spanish)
We also offer:
- Children’s Homily: 9am Mass on first Sunday of the month
- Children’s Liturgy of the Word: 9am Mass on third Sunday of the month
- Sodality Sunday: 9am Mass on third Sunday of the month
- Mass for Hearing Impaired: Upon request. Call the parish office at least one week in advance to arrange.
Daily Mass
Monday – Thursday: 7am Commuter Mass (no Homily) & 9am Mass
Wednesday: 7pm (Spanish Mass)
Friday: 9:30am (School Mass)
Friday daily mass is at 9am in the summer
Saturday: 9am Mass
Holy Day Masses
Please check the weekly bulletin for time scheduled, or call 410-848-4744
Holy Days of Obligation in the United States include:
All Sundays
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God* (January 1)
Easter (Date varies)
Feast of the Ascension (observed appr. 40 days after Easter)
Feast of the Assumption* (August 15)
All Saints Day* (November 1)
Feast of the Immaculate Conception (December 8)
Christmas (December 25)
*The Holy Day obligation is suspended in the USA when the solemnity falls on Saturday or Monday.
We are so happy that you are interested in officially joining our parish family!
Sometimes people attend Mass at a parish for months or years, but never officially register. Registering as a parishioner at St. John helps us account for how many people are part of our community. It also makes it much easier when it’s time for receiving sacraments, registering for Religious Education or Faith Formation, sponsoring a sacrament recipient (such as becoming a Godparent), and even planning funerals. A registered parishioner also receives all parish mailings.
We welcome any individual or family who wants to be part of our parish community. Church law no longer limits parish registration within particular boundaries, so no matter where you live, you are welcome!
Come on in! Our greeters will meet you at the door and Ushers can guide you to a seat. If you need anything, feel free to ask an Usher. At the 6pm Mass on Sundays, we use printed song sheets that are available at any church entrance. Grab a bulletin at any church entrance for announcements, information about parish events, faith formation programs, and more.
You can find our virtual bulletin by clicking here.
We love kids! They are always welcome at our Masses. We also want them to hear about God on their own level. To check out the programs that we offer for youth, click on the button below. For questions about youth ministry, contact Kenn at kdemoll@sjwest.org
We are a Catholic church, so if you have ever been to a Mass before, you’ll recognize the liturgy and prayers. If not, join us! Each Mass is approximately one hour long and includes readings from Scripture, prayers, a homily from one of our priests, and Holy Communion.
We have several different Masses that offer a variety of musical styles:
4:30pm Mass – Led by a cantor and organ
7am Mass – Solemn with no music
9am Mass – Led by a cantor, guitar, and keyboard featuring music in the Gather hymnal as well as some occasional contemporary songs
11am Mass – Our “high” Mass with organ and full choir
1pm Mass – Spanish choir and band
6pm – Led by a band playing contemporary praise and worship music (printed song sheets are available at church entrances)
Everyone is welcome! Everyone who comes on our campus is an honored guest. We’re here for you and we want you to join us in worship, and become missionary disciples!
Send us a message using the Contact Us form below and a member of our staff will contact you within 24 hours. If your message is sent on a Friday, please allow 3 days for us to get back to you!