February 2022 Protocol Update
My dear St. John family,
With transmission rates falling in the State of Maryland we received our latest guidance from the Archdiocese of Baltimore. Masks are no longer required at Mass or while in any of our parish buildings beginning this weekend. Please note that they are still required in our school building. We will also resume our normally scheduled events beginning with our parish breakfast next Sunday after the 7:00 am and 9:00 am Masses. As noted in the bulletin the Knights of Columbus Bull and Shrimp Roast, Casino Night and even some faith formation events have been moved to later in the spring. I look forward to sharing in these events with you.
A reminder that if you test positive for COVID or experience flu like symptoms please stay home and focus on getting better. The obligation for Sunday Mass does not apply when we are sick.
I would like to thank you for your continued understanding and cooperation in helping to keep one another healthy and safe during transmission spikes. May we continue to support one another as brothers and sisters, especially as we pray for the powerful intercession of our Blessed Mother to bring an end to this pandemic and assistance to proclaim the gospel of her Son with courage and joy.
I love you guys,
Fr. Mark