By their marriage, the couple witnesses
Christ's spousal love for the Church.

In Christian marriage, spouses model the love and self-gift of Christ. By giving of themselves and serving one another, their family, and community, they help one another live out Christ’s call to discipleship, love, and service. Marriage provides a foundation for a family committed to community, solidarity, and Jesus’ mission in the world.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church

Part Two, Section Two, Chapter Three, Article Seven.

The Sacrament of Matrimony

Number. 1601

The USCCB Matrimony Handout.

United in Love, Strengthened for Service.

Want To Marry In The Catholic Church?

Call the parish office at least 6 months in advance to request a Marriage Info Form. Couples must have their first meeting with a priest or deacon to confirm a wedding date before contracting a reception facility!  Send inquiries to or call the parish center at 410-861-9910

Renewal of Vows

Would you and yours like to renew your marriage vows? Come and celebrate with the faith community. Anyone wishing to renew vows can do so at the 4:30 Mass on the 4th Saturday of each month for couples married in the Catholic Church who are celebrating any “5-year” anniversary. Call the parish office at least one week in advance to schedule.

Marriage Preparation

The Marriage Preparation Programs include:

Pre-Cana Classes – Offered semi-annually on a Friday evening and Saturday in a classroom format on the St. John Parish campus. Our upcoming Pre-Cana classes are scheduled for March 28 & 29, 2025 and November 14 & 15th, 2025. For more information, please email Rosalie Seeley at

Sponsor Couples – Engaged couples meet with and are prepared by a trained married couple at mutually- agreed-upon times. Married couples desiring to assist in this program are asked to contact one of the priests through the parish office.

Engaged Encounter Weekends – Couples spend a “weekend away” in preparation for their marriage. This program is not offered on the St. John campus. The celebrant of your marriage will provide the couple with contact information to identify dates and locations.

Why Marry in the Catholic Church?

Tribunal (Annulments)

The Catholic Church teaches that once a sacramental marriage is constituted by the valid, mutual consent of the couple, only death can break the marriage covenant. Marriage is forever. An annulment is an official judgment on the part of the Church that (1) there was an impediment that prohibited a valid marriage, or (2) a defect of the consent of one or both parties rendered the marriage consent invalid. Contact a priest or deacon at the parish office to investigate getting an annulment if you are divorced. You can also visit the tribunal website for answers to common questions.